Hi, I'm Natty

pleasure COACH

I'm on a mission to guide mid-life women back into lives that are filled with pleasure,  power + purpose. Gone are the days where we fade into the sunset after 40. This is the moment where we take up unapologetic space, where we own any room we are in (boardroom +  bedroom) and get everything our hearts desire. Because we deserve it.  Let's f*cking go!

I wasn't always this badass.

When I hit 40, I had the kind of life most women would dream of.

The 14 year marriage, 3 healthy kids, a beautiful home + a killer job.
I checked all the boxes of success + yet…I didn’t feel happy.

And the worst part? Along with that unhappiness came a boat load of guilt.

I would lay in bed + think…

“What’s wrong with you, Natty?  Why can’t you just be grateful for what you have? Buck up, buttercup. Soldier on. Make do. You have enough. Wanting more means you are selfish.”

So, I did all the things that we are told we should do: salt baths, spa days, self-help books, weekend retreats with famous people, cleanses, raw diets, candle gazing, crystal stuff.

You name it, I tried it.

And sure…I felt a little better while I was doing those things…but when I returned back home to my real life…the malaise of numbness would wash over me again.
I knew I was missing something big, but what was it?

Well, I’m a trained scientist….so, naturally, I dug in, did some research and what I discovered blew my mind (hold onto your hat)..


First off, I want to say that I see you.

You have done all the things and with flying colors.
The education. The job. Maybe even the marriage. The kids.  The house. 
Well done. 

You are a high-achiever like me.

And while you've accomplished all of the "traditional" markers of success, there is a part of you that is hungry for more.

More joy. More spaciousness. More ease. More dancing in your kitchen.
More weekend escapes with your partner/lover/friends. More intimacy. More spontaneity.

You are craving a life that feels joyful, purposeful and filled with a f*ck ton of pleasure.
I'm over here screaming YES to all of it.

And because you are a go-getter (like me) you have already begun the work.
You have the bedside table of self-help books and the podcast cue to prove it.

While all of your reading (and maybe your toe-dip into meditation + yoga) has helped a bit, you still haven't cracked the nut.

Here's the deal + what no one is telling you.

Women have been trained to be who we are not.

We have been led down The Patriarchal Path.

By the time a woman reaches the ripe, old age of 7, she has been ever-so-diligently steered away from the truth of who she really is.

We have been taught to be polite, modest, giving, pleasing, patient, thin, wrinkle-free, just the right amount of sexy, quiet, calm + emotionless.

This programming, while hugely beneficial to society, has made us small + quiet + steered us, ever-so-diligently, away from our intuition, our power, our innate wildness + our deepest desires for our lives.

And the worst part...

This programming is deeply rooted in your subconscious + your nervous system and is diligently running the behind-the-scenes operating system of your life.

✔️ The guilt you feel when you finally draw a boundary with someone?
✔️ The anxiety before bed that keeps you from falling asleep?
✔️ The 1/2 bottle of Chardonnay you use to numb out at the end of the day?

Yep. They are all results of your subconscious patterns.

So you can do all the surface level stuff (daily affirmations, mindset hacks, etc) but until you dig a little deeper and unbind from this programming, you’ll keep living your life on repeat (people-pleasing, over-functioning + under-valuing yourself) .

Once you understand this, you will know in your bones, you don’t need to be fixed.
You just need to dig in, unbind from the bs, pump in some pleasure and remember who the F you are.

Is your mind blown yet? Yah, I know.

And that's exactly what I do with my women.

Welcome to my world.


Life looked rosy on the outside, but on the inside I was crumbling.  Read: on a cocktail of anti-depressants, Chardonnay to sleep at night, 6 years into couples therapy.


Dove in. Began learning, studying and training with experts to answer this question: What is happening to women at mid-life and why are we so numb 
+ unhappy?


Launched The Feminine Rebellion to take all of my deep learning and share it with other midlife, high-achieving women just like me.


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Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.



If you are a midlife woman, you belong here. Whether it's group coaching, a private container or an invite to a pleasure retreat, I have your back.  Book a connection call with me to determine your next right steps.

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And always, always, always hot as f*ck inspiration. It only happens for the women on this list. Get your sweet ass on the list. And let's f*cking go!