At about 7:30 AM on Saturday I asked my husband for 3 things:
✔️ Change the lightbulbs over the bar so they all match.
✔️ Order and plan delivery for an outdoor grill.
✔️ Give me an orgasm before our kids show up around noon.
Of course I asked kindly and with a little twinkle in my eye.
I am digging deep into my Daily Receiving Practice right now.
(and I’ve coined this practice “DRIP” 💦 because…well….come on!!)

Here’s the deal.
High-achieving, go-getter women have a receiving problem.
Our default setting is doing, organizing and managing the people around us.
We move quickly and efficiently in order to get sh*t done!
While this has gotten us to where we thought we wanted to be (Superwomen!), it has stunted our lives in many ways.
We do not know how to receive anything!
And this Superwoman Status is eating away at our ability to step into lives where we can experience pleasure, joy and fulfillment.
I noticed this the other night when I was out to dinner with an incredible badass money-managing woman (and former client). She offered to pay for dinner. I declined. I just could not receive her offer. I paid for both of us.
Just like you, I have some receiving blocks.
This is the Science-backed truth 👇🏼.
High-Achieving women (like you and me) suffer from something called anhedonia, the reduced ability to experience pleasure. Look it up. The research is mind-blowing.
In order to have pleasure-filled, f*ck yes lives, we must practice The Art of Receiving.
So, back to Saturday morning.
I asked hubs kindly for 3 things.
It sounded like this:
“Hey hot stuff. How did you sleep? Would you like some coffee? Great. I’ll get on that. I have three things I’d love your help with today. Are you open to hearing them now? Yes? Great!”
Then I asked for my THREE THINGS.
He delivered on all 3 💦💦💦 before noon.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
You don’t need to ask one person for all 3 things.
You can spread this out over the day.
Some ideas:
💦 Ask a friend to pick up your kids just because.
💦 Ask a waitperson for more salt/pepper/gin in your cocktail.
💦 Ask someone for a backrub/foot massage/orgasm.
It will feel uncomfortable at first.
And know that you are training your brain and your body with every ask.
You are re-wiring your biology.
This is not woo-woo shit.
This is SCIENCE.
Love you madly.
Seriously, I f*cking do.
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