september 20, 2024

Pleasure is Power: Why Reclaiming Your Pleasure is the Ultimate Key to Your Full-Body 'F*ck Yes' Life

When was the last time you truly allowed yourself to experience pleasure?

And I’m not just talking about the fleeting moments of joy that pass by in the hustle of everyday life—I’m talking about deep, embodied pleasure. The kind that leaves you feeling alive, connected, and powerful.

For too long, pleasure has been dismissed as a luxury, something we indulge in only after the work is done, the boxes are checked, and everyone else’s needs are met. But here’s the truth: pleasure isn’t an afterthought—it’s a power source. When you tap into your pleasure, you tap into your power. The two are inextricably linked.

Unlearning the Lie: Why Pleasure Has Been Devalued
The reality is that many women, especially those of us in midlife, have been taught that pleasure is frivolous, indulgent, or even wrong. We’ve been conditioned by a patriarchal culture that values productivity over pleasure, hustle over rest, and self-sacrifice over self-care. The result? A generation of women who are burned out, disconnected from their bodies, and numb to their own desires.

This isn’t an accident—it’s by design. The systems that keep women small and manageable know that a woman who is in touch with her pleasure is a woman who is in touch with her power. And that kind of woman is a threat to the status quo.

But we’re done with the status quo. We’re done playing small. We’re done pretending that pleasure is something we have to earn. It’s time to reclaim what’s been ours all along—our birthright to experience pleasure, to revel in it, and to use it as a fuel for living a life that feels like a full-body Fck Yes*.

The Science Behind Pleasure
This isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about rewiring your brain and body to work for you, not against you. Pleasure releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin, which boost our mood, sharpen our focus, and enhance our decision-making abilities. When you’re connected to pleasure, your nervous system calms down, your stress levels drop, and you enter a state of flow.

But it’s more than that—when you cultivate a regular practice of pleasure, your brain actually changes. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself, allows you to create new neural pathways that are wired for joy, creativity, and abundance. That’s right: pleasure compounds over time. The more you let it in, the more your brain becomes attuned to seeking it out.

In other words, pleasure doesn’t just feel good—it creates good.

Pleasure as a Rebellious Act
In a world that glorifies burnout, choosing pleasure is an act of rebellion. It’s saying, “I’m worthy of feeling good. I’m worthy of joy. I’m worthy of living a life that lights me up from the inside out.” And it’s not just about the big, extravagant moments (though those are fun, too). It’s about finding pleasure in the everyday—the warmth of the sun on your skin, the taste of your morning coffee, the softness of your favorite blanket.

When you begin to prioritize pleasure, you’re breaking free from the chains of patriarchal conditioning. You’re unlearning the toxic belief that your value is tied to how much you do and how much you give. You’re stepping into a life that feels rich, delicious, and abundant. And guess what happens when you do that? You become magnetic. You attract more opportunities, more joy, and more abundance into your life—because you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, one that’s aligned with your deepest desires.

How to Start Reclaiming Your Pleasure (and Your Power)
If pleasure is power, then the question becomes: How do we start to reclaim it?

The first step is to unlearn the conditioning that has kept you disconnected from your body and your desires. Start by noticing where you block pleasure in your life. Do you feel guilty when you take time for yourself? Do you brush off compliments or downplay your achievements? These are all signs that you’ve been taught to prioritize everything and everyone else over your own pleasure.

Next, begin cultivating a daily practice of pleasure. This doesn’t have to be complicated—start small. Savor your morning coffee without distractions, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in your body, or spend five minutes doing something that feels indulgent, just for you. The key is to make pleasure a non-negotiable part of your day, not something you have to earn.

Finally, surround yourself with women who are also on this journey of reclaiming their pleasure and power. Sisterhood is a powerful force, and having ride-or-die women in your corner who support your growth and expansion is crucial. When women come together to celebrate each other’s pleasure and success, we amplify our power.

Pleasure is Your Superpower
The bottom line is this: Pleasure is your superpower. It’s the key to unlocking your fullest potential, to living a life that feels aligned, joyful, and wildly abundant. When you prioritize pleasure, you prioritize yourself. And when you prioritize yourself, you step into your true power.

So, are you ready to reclaim your pleasure and start living your full-body Fck Yes* life? It all starts here—with the radical act of choosing to feel good. Because when you feel good, you do good. And that’s the kind of power that changes everything.

Love you madly. And let's f*cking go!


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