september 27, 2024

Are you shrinking or expanding?

how to take up unapologetic space

You’re Either Shrinking or Expanding. Which One Are You Choosing?

Let’s get straight to it: you’re either shrinking or expanding. There’s no in-between.

And let me tell you, shrinking is not what we do around here.

In this space—in this community—we take up space. Big, bold, unapologetic space.

We don’t apologize for our desires, we don’t make ourselves small to fit into spaces that were never built for us. We expand, we grow, and we claim what’s ours. So if you’re feeling exhausted, burned out, or like you’re just going through the motions of life, it’s a sign that you’ve been shrinking. Playing small. Making yourself smaller to fit into someone else’s idea of who you’re supposed to be.

Here’s the thing: shrinking? That’s not where your power lives.

When you shrink, you dim your light, you quiet your voice, and you start saying “yes” when every fiber of your being is screaming “no.” You start living in survival mode—just doing enough to get through the day, losing connection with your pleasure, your desires, and the things that light you up.

But I’m here to tell you, that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Life is not meant to feel like a series of mundane tasks and empty checklists. You weren’t born to just get through it. You’re meant to expand. To step into your power. To step into rooms and own them, unapologetically. To take up space in your life, your relationships, your career—without shrinking or apologizing for a single bit of it.

The Symptoms of Shrinking
Maybe you’ve noticed it. You’re exhausted, but it’s not the kind of tired that sleep fixes. You feel burned out, like you’re moving through life in a fog. You go through your day, checking off tasks, fulfilling your responsibilities, but there’s no spark. No fire.

This feeling? That’s the result of shrinking. It’s what happens when you’ve been bending over backward to meet everyone else’s expectations, when you’ve been making yourself smaller to keep others comfortable. You’ve been giving so much of yourself, there’s barely anything left for you.

And let’s be clear—this isn’t your fault. We live in a world that tells women, especially, to shrink. Be nice, be quiet, don’t take up too much space, don’t make a fuss. We’ve been taught to play small, to fit ourselves into the mold of what’s expected, rather than embracing the fullness of who we really are.

But here’s the truth: shrinking is not where your power lives. It’s not where your joy or your purpose lives either.

Expansion is Where Your Power Lives
In this house, we expand.

We listen to our desires, we let them guide us, and we stop saying “yes” when we mean “hell no.”

When you expand, you reclaim your space—physically, emotionally, mentally. You step into the fullness of who you are. You stop worrying about what everyone else thinks, and you start living in alignment with your desires, your truth, and your pleasure.

Expansion is where your confidence blooms. It’s where you reconnect with your body, your intuition, and your power. It’s where your life starts to feel vibrant and turned the f*ck on.

When you choose expansion, you’re not just showing up for yourself—you’re setting a new standard for how you live, how you love, and how you move through the world. You’re telling the world that you are here, that your desires matter, and that you’re no longer available for anything that asks you to be less than you are.

Stop Shrinking, Start Expanding
So, are you ready to stop shrinking? Are you ready to expand into the life you know you’re meant to live?

Because let me tell you, expansion is where the magic happens. It’s where your pleasure, your purpose, and your power converge into a life that feels full, alive, and on fire with possibility.

Expansion isn’t always easy. It requires you to say no more often, to set boundaries, and to let go of the things that have kept you small. It asks you to trust yourself, to follow your desires, and to take up space in ways that might feel uncomfortable at first.

But the rewards? Oh, baby, they’re worth it. Because when you expand, you get to reclaim the life that’s been waiting for you. A life that feels aligned, juicy, and full of pleasure. A life that makes you feel alive every damn day.

Ready to Expand?
If you’re reading this and feeling that deep tug in your gut—the one that says, “Yes, I’m ready”—then it’s time to step into your expansion. It’s time to say yes to yourself in the biggest, boldest way possible.

Stop shrinking. Stop playing small. Stop saying yes when you mean no.

Instead, step into your power. Own your space. Own your desires. And trust that you are meant for more—more pleasure, more purpose, more aliveness.

I’m here to guide you into that expansion, to help you create a life that feels as good as it looks.

So take my hand and let’s f*cking go.
Love you madly,


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